Morgan's Corner

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On this page we will present what you, beloved members of Morgan's Corner wish to share with the rest of the group. Many, many thanks to those of you who contributed!

Artwork by Mickie Mueller

From Susy
Yule be Goins' with us?
Lord, I had to work that pun. *whew*
Ah, winter in the Pacific Northwest. Since we are above the 45th parallel, it does get dark early. Five o'clock on a clear day, three when it's overcast.
Mother Earth changes her gown once again. The landscape is frosted with the winter cold's touch. As the sun moves across the south, it warms the ice. We marvel at the steam as it reaches to the sky. Half the trees go bare, but our namesake evergreens work overtime to add color to the world. Our drive to Monroe will be a wonder.
In the Nordic tradition, many people put lights on their houses, adding to the shimmery magic. Some feature creches, others use blow up cartoon characters, still more have nature scenes with reindeer and pine tree shapes. Chistmas eve, yes, we do Christmas, we bundle up in jammies with hot cocoa or tea and drive around looking at the displays. We drive until at least one or two of the kids are asleep.
This year we are making our presents. Meals in jars. Inexpensive and useful. I will try to make gifts for the kids, but we have done the internet boogie too.
I find that as I incorporate living in season activities to my daily life, taking notice of the changes, respecting the earth more by walking a light step, I feel the Goddess standing closer and closer to me and mine. I am striving to live a more conscious life, removing the clutter bit by bit, discovering more sweetness in my life, enjoying my family all the more.
We will plan a spring garden in anticipation of the Earth's reawakening.

From Lynda
In early August my middle son Thomas came to see us and asked if he could stay for two nights. Now before we shifted to this house, Eli and I lived with Tom and it was pure hell. Tom has no respect for our belongings or feelings and we were glad when he shifted out. Then we got this tiny two bedroomed place which is just big enough for us two.
However he is my son and Eli's brother. Tom told us he was going overseas so we said he could stay. Two days quickly became a week while he sorted out his passport and ended up not going overseas after all. It dragged on till this last week. In that time he has given me three lots of $50 for his share of the food. He slept all day, was to be on the computer all night and wouldn't help round the house. many times he was told to leave but as Eli is recovering from a head injury and I have polymyalgia - how could we make him go? He point blank refused to go. We nagged him to go get a benefit and he went and got the papers but never filled them in as apparently I moved them off the coffee table in the lounge to his bed.
The computer is set up in Eli's room and with the faint hum  of the tower, the constant sound of typing and Tom talking while he played WOW  Eli was getting no sleep so I gave him my bed thinking it was for a short while. I have had to put up with it for months and I have had very little sleep in all that time. Oh and there was the constant criticising of all I said and did as well as verbal attacks and put downs of both Eli and I.
Finally this week we put our foot down and told him he had a deadline to go. Tom then said he had no money, no benefit, no job and nowhere to go. What sort of mother was I that I would not help him. I said four months of feeding him had been help and I could no longer do it as my bills were getting further behind. I am on a single person's benefit and it does not go very far when you have to feed two. He erupted later on at Eli who called the police an had him evicted. We were up till after 3 am discussing if we had done the right thing but came to the conclusion that Tom needed some tough love and we had done what we had to do. He is 24 after all.
Tom has had a hard time of it since as his sisters have refused to have him after seeing how he treat Eli and I. Sam had him last night and today she took him to sort out accommodation at the YMCA and to get an appointment for a benefit. He came today and packed his stuff and went.
Funnily enough after putting him out, I got a letter off the benefit office telling me that as I had worked earlier this year, they had been deducting money off my benefit and they owed me a refund. Plus my benefit is going up each week.
The peace is wonderful and both Eli and I are sorting out our own rooms again. I know I did the right thing but I still feel for Tom even though he has got himself into this mess. Being a parent is not easy.
Tori's Tidbits
Very Cheap Facial Peel
This is the least expensive facial peel I have ever found, and it works great.
Get a bottle of Elmer’s glue, pour all of the glue and mix it with enough corn starch to make it thick; for your average large bottle, add about 1/3 cup of cornstarch, mix it well and put back in the bottle for easy applicator.
Then take as hot as you can stand wash cloth, lay it over your face and place a towel over to hold the heat in for about 3 minutes, to really open the pores, then smooth the glue evenly on your face. When it is clear it is ready to peel off ( if it does not peel off in one piece next time apply it thicker) then apply your favorite moisturizer.   
Next time you clean the blades on your ceiling fan, take a dryer sheet, They do help keep dust from collecting.
To keep metal screens nice and new looking and easy to clean; before installing, spray with a clear coat spray for auto paints. Really keeps them looking great for years.
Need a very easy way to polish metal? Just rub lightly with a cloth with ashes; tarnish comes right off.
From Mojo
Mojo offers these questions for us all to contemplate this Yule season.


What am I endeavoring to manifest now in my life?
How can I change my thought patterns, to empower my goals?
What old connections could I release now, for my highest good?
Where can I turn for the best sources of Inspiration and Solutions?
What wisdom is seeking to reveal itself to me at this time?
What are the best ways that I can refresh myself, physically and spiritually?
How can I show my appreciation to others more effectively?
How can I show my appreciation to my Self more effectively?
What new idea has seeded itself this winter, and how can I best nurture it to fruition, as the earth nurtures her seeds??
What are the imprisoning fears that I feel ready to release?
What parts of me will awaken as the rebirth of Spring arrives?
How can I best focus on the my blessings this season?
How can I turn negatives into positives?


I stopped believing in Santa Claus when my mother took me to see
him in a department store, and he asked for my autograph.
- Shirley Temple