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Crone Magick For Yule

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Yule Fire Spell

On the darkest night of the year gather three dried leaves of holly and pulverize them into powder. On a clean, four-inch by four-inch piece of parchment paper, write a single word in red ink that represents what quality or trait you would like to be born within yourself along with the newborn Yule sun. Sprinkle the holly powder into the center of the paper and twist it closed with the holly powder inside. Light the wick of a red candle, and from this flame light the holly filled paper on fire. As it burns see your wish fulfilled. The spell is done.
Ice Magick
By: Enodia Black
My first winter in Eastern Washington was bitter. I had lived in
California previously, and I didn't know how to function in really
cold, snowy, weather. I wandered bewildered through a world
blanketed in white. Large, soft, snowflakes fell on my head, and my
feet sank deep into the powdery coldness. Snow slid over the tops of
my boots, encrusted the hems of my jeans and soaked my feet. It was
cold, miserable and hard to get around. But it was also beautiful.
The snow caused the land around me to shape shift into a pure, white,
sparkling expanse. I got to know a phenomenon called "freezing fog,"
when the fog moves in despite the low temperatures, and freezes onto
everything it touches, coating the branches of trees with crystals of
ice. The ice, though slippery and dangerous, had a beauty that
caught my breath. It was powerful, and because it is a force of
nature, I began to wonder how its power could be used magickally.
Water to Ice
To understand how ice can be used in magick, it is important to first
understand the element of water. Water is one of the most important
elements to human beings, because we need it to survive; for this
reason, water has always been thought of as sacred. Water is in
constant motion, always flowing. In fact, water is so linked with
the idea of movement that when we see water that is still, we give it
the name "stagnant," a name which denotes unnatural lack of change,
and even decay. It is not surprising, then, that water magick is
concerned with things that tend to remain in a state of flux:
emotions, the subconscious and purity.
Water is like our emotional states; it is deep, mysterious and can
even be deceptive. We have all heard the phrase "still waters run
deep," a phrase that describes the churning turmoil that can exist
beneath a placid demeanor. Water can look calm, but below, out the
range of our vision, so much can be going on. An entire ecosystem
exists beneath the surface, out of our eyesight. When we enter the
water, we enter a new world. The surface of the water is very much
like the veil that stands between the world of the everyday and the
otherworld. The veil is normally difficult to pierce, and only on
certain nights (like Samhain) can we cross it easily. But water can
help in the process of parting the veil — we can gaze into a bowl of
water, and see into the otherworld. So water is not only magickal,
it is also an excellent medium for divination.
Water is also the only element that is capable of changing its form.
It is linked to all of the other elements. Water covers the earth,
and the earth requires water to produce life. Fire can act upon
water and cause it to unite with the element of air to evaporate and
form a gas. Finally, when water is cooled, it can combine with the
element of air to form ice. This capacity for change, and its need
to always move, makes water the quintessential shape shifter. As a
form that water takes when it shape shifts, ice is ideal for magick.
Perhaps because all magick is concerned with change, ice magick is
extremely powerful.
Ice Magick
Ice magick is similar to water magick. However with ice magick, the
power of the spell is increased because of the act of freezing the
water. When water shape shifts from a constantly moving force to a
solid, its power is the most potent. Magickally, ice is not
associated with all of the same properties as water; it's mainly used
for spells that have to do with transformation. Ice can be used
magickally to perform any kind of magick that induces a change in the
caster's inner state, so it can be used to help reveal personal
secrets, remember forgotten memories, dispel depression and release
Magick is an act of transformation, and ice possesses a strong
magickal power since it is in the process of changing. Ice spells
have two phases, the freezing of the water, and the melting of the
ice. I have seen some spells where the caster writes a problem on a
piece of paper, immerses the paper in water, and freezes the water to
put an end to the problem. Those kinds of spells only use one of the
two phases of ice magick. It is important to remember, however, that
problems that are frozen must eventually come back; everything that
is frozen must melt. I have found that it is more practical, and
more powerful, to use both phases, freezing and melting, in spells.
The freezing of the ice begins the spell, because the caster is
already thinking of the spell, and planning the ritual, when the ice
is frozen. The process begins as the water solidifies, and the power
is released during the ritual as the ice melts. For this reason, I
find it most useful to freeze "special" ice for spells. Also, most
ice trays are made of plastic. Holding the frozen water in non-
natural plastic is not as effective; magick is natural, and should
ideally involve natural substances. Metal bowls can be used, but the
easiest method is to use cardboard coated with wax (so that the
cardboard doesn't stick to the ice). Small paper drinking cups that
are coated with wax are ideal, as are frozen juice containers that
have been emptied of their contents and washed.
Ice Spells
A piece of ice naturally begins to melt when it is left at room
temperature, so it works like the burning of a candle in candle
magick, changing itself during the spell, thus releasing its energy
to the goal at hand. It is extremely powerful to encircle a candle
with ice and perform a spell. The ice melts and the candle burns —
two elements that work in a cooperative way can produce powerful
results. Spells that use fire and ice are wonderful for obtaining
balance, since they employ the complimentary elements of fire and
water. Also try putting ice in a bathtub while visualizing. This
technique is especially suited for spells involving physical
Herbs and oils can also be used to enhance ice magick. An infusion
of one or more herbs can be frozen, or essential oils can be added to
the water before freezing. When water is frozen, it combines with
the element of air, so herbs and oils that are associated with either
element can be used. Herbs that work best are ones that, when
growing in the natural world, can endure cold and snow, or require
cold weather to germinate. Below is a list of some herbs and oils
that work well for ice magick:
Magickal Associations
Happiness, Exorcism
Love, Healing, Psychic Power, Luck
Love, Healing, Divination
Psychic Power, Love, Courage, Exorcism
Information in this table was obtained from Cunningham's Encyclopedia
of Magical Herbs and Fern's Plants for a Future.
Ice and Divination
Ice can also be used for divination. Symbolically, the surface of a
body of water represents the veil between this world and the
otherworld. So, when water is frozen, the door to the otherworld is
closed. But as ice melts during a ritual, the door re-opens and we
can look inside.
The surface of melting ice is shiny, and like any reflective surface,
is well suited for scrying. One way to do this is to sit in a dark
room with a yellow candle burning off to the side, so that the light
of the flame flickers on the melting ice. Ice scrying requires
patience — messages will be revealed slowly, as the ice melts. Ice
scrying is especially suited for looking into the past, since the
frozen water symbolically represents a frozen moment in time.
Looking into past lives is possible, as is looking back and trying to
remember a forgotten memory. The melting ice represents the
releasing of memories from the subconscious mind.
Final Considerations
Because ice forms in the natural world during the winter months, ice
magick is best performed in the spring, when the world begins to
thaw. However, it is also possible to perform ice magick at other
times during the year, as the need arises. Dawn is best, because
symbolically, dawn is to the day as spring is to the year.
Ice magick is very powerful. It is a neutral, natural force that can
be used for positive or negative means. It is therefore important,
as it is with any spell, that the caster makes sure of his or her
intentions before attempting it. Remember how beautiful ice can be,
as it sends off prisms of light, but also remember that it is very
easy to slip on ice. Ice should not be feared any more than wind,
rain and storm. The spell caster should approach ice magick with
respect and reverence.

Magic Yule Seed Charm

Take a small glass bottle and fill it with herbs and seeds. It is believed that if any evil spirit enters the house, it would be forced to count the seeds by dark, leaving no time to cause trouble among the family members of the house. Test tubes with stoppers or any small bottle works great. Fill the bottle with seeds and small herbs of your choice and decorate with ribbons and glitter. Tie next to the door most used or in the house, or as an extra decoration on a gift package. Could be tied on the Yule tree or used as a favor.

From Silver RavenWolf


Yule Incense

from Making Magickal Incenses

by Keith Morgan

5 parts pine resin

4 parts mistletoe

3 parts spruce resin

5 ml musk oil per 8 oz. of dry mixture

Yule is the Sabbat that is celebrated on or around the

21st of December, with dates differing from year to year,

as being when the sun enters the sign of Capricorn, to mark

the Winter Solstice.


A Solstice Ritual

This Ritual shall be performed during the evening hours, sometime after Sunset. Sweep area, starting in the North and moving deosil, with your magickal broom to cleanse the Circle area and "sweep away" any lingering negative energies. Set up the Quarter candles (North-Green, East-Yellow, South-Red, West-Blue) and/or other items symbolizing the elements at the Four Quarters. Set up your altar as desired, and face it to the North, covering it with a red or green altar cloth. Place all of the items listed below in their proper places upon it. For this ceremony, decorate the altar with holly, mistletoe, evergreen, pine cones, ivy, berries, ribbons, and whatever else feels right. Having a Yule Tree nearby the altar will add a lot to the ritual. Along with your usual ritual tools and items, have upon the altar:

Red or Green Altar Cloth

Holly Sprig (placed upon the altar)

Mistletoe Sprig (placed underneath the altar, for use later)

Three Candles in Holders for the Triple Goddess

(1 White, 1 Red, and 1 Black - arranged around the Cauldron)

Cauldron with a Green Candle inside

Incense - Any of the following either alone or mixed together to make a Winter Blend: Cinnamon, Myrrh, Cloves, Frankincense, Aloes Wood, and Saffron

When all is set up, take a shower or bath for purification and don your Ritual Robe or other ritual attire. Be sure to wear your Magickal jewelry, if you have any. Sit quietly and meditate for a little while - to ground and center. When you feel ready to begin, play some quiet peaceful music for the ritual.

Cast the Circle... Light the God and Goddess candles. Leave all the other candles unlit until the appropriate time within the ritual. Have the green candle placed inside the Cauldron, surrounded by the white, red, and black candles. Also have the sprig of Holly upon the altar, and the Mistletoe sprig tucked away underneath the altar. Sit quietly meditating within the cast Circle for a little while... When you feel ready, begin your ceremony with these words:

"Blessed be the season of Yule.
This is the Winter Solstice,
the longest night of the year.
Darkness reigns triumphant,
yet gives way and changes to Light.
The Sun King has gone into the realms of Death ---
yet, within the Sacred Cauldron of Rebirth,
he is once again transformed into
the Newborn Divine Child of Light.
Blessed be the young Virgin Goddess
who gives to her people tonight
a Newborn God.
Blessed be the Newborn Sun King."
Pause and reflect on the meaning of this spoke in the Wheel of the Year for a few moments, then continue... saying:
"All is cold, and I await the coming of Dawn.
As the Sun rises, the Triple Goddess once more
gives birth to the Divine Child.
In silence and wonder I stand before
the Sacred Cauldron of Rebirth,
knowing that one day I too must pass
through the Cauldron to be reborn.
For this I now give honor to the Triple Goddess."
Light the White candle near the Cauldron, saying:
"White is for the Maiden.
Blessed be the Virgin, innocent and fresh.
May you plant your seeds of joy and
new beginnings within my life."
Light the Red candle near the Cauldron, saying:
"Red is for the Mother.
Blessed be the Mother, fertile and loving.
May you grant me gifts of creative ideas and
the strength to bring them to completion."
Light the Black candle near the Cauldron, saying:
"Black is for the Crone.
Blessed be the Crone, powerful and wise.
May you give me wisdom to
understand the Magickal Mysteries."
Light the Green candle inside the Cauldron, saying:
"Green is for the Newborn Lord of the Forests,
the Divine Sun Child who comes once more into the world.
I welcome you, Child and Consort of the Triple Goddess."
Face the North, raise your arms and say:
"Rejoice, O Powers of Earth!
Welcome the Divine Child."
Face the East, raise your arms and say:
"Rejoice, O Powers of Air!
Welcome the Divine Child."
Face the South, raise your arms and say:
"Rejoice, O Powers of Fire!
Welcome the Divine Child."
Face the West, raise your arms and say:
"Rejoice, O Powers of Water!
Welcome the Divine Child."
Take up your Athame and banish the Old Year by drawing a banishing Pentagram in the air, saying:
"Farewell to the Old Year.
Farewell to the Holly King."
Now draw an invoking Pentagram in the air and say these words:
"Welcome to the New Year.
Welcome to the Oak King."
When you are done, replace your Athame on the altar.
Next, remove the Holly from the altar and place it out of sight. Then place the Mistletoe, the symbol of the Oak King, on top of the altar in a place of honor. Say these words:
"Blessed be the King of the Waxing Year.
I pray you will guide your children safely
through to the season of warmth and light."
Take the Goddess candle in your left hand and the God candle in your right, saying these words:
"Tonight the Goddess and God are reunited.
Tonight Life begins anew, and Light begins anew.
Blessed be the One Light.
Blessed be the Divine Force of Creation."
Move the candle flames together so that they are one. Spend a moment reflecting on its meaning, and then replace the candles side by side on the altar. Continue with these words:
"Hail, O God of the Woodlands and New Life!
I give you honor and ask your blessing."
Sit in silence to receive His blessing... then continue, saying:
"Hail, Triple Goddess, bringer of Light out of Darkness
and New Life out of the Cauldron of Rebirth.
I give you honor and ask your blessing."
Again sit in silence to receive Her blessing. Drink from the Chalice, pour a Libation to the Lord and the Lady and save some to be put outside for the little people. When you are finished, proceed with the Cakes and Ale Ceremony. followed by Releasing the Circle in your usual manner.


Witches' Ladders
1 Yard red satin cord (symbolizes the Mother)
1 Yard white satin cord (symbolizes the Maiden)
1 Yard black satin cord (symbolizes the Crone)
9 Feathers of different colors
Gather the cords together and tie an overhand knot about six inches
from the he ends. Braid the cords together to invoke the power of the
Three-phase Goddess. This is easily done by saying a chant during
the braiding process. Try something like
Maiden, Mother, and Ancient Crone
Your powers to these cords please loan
I ask that You combine them well
And bring Your magic to this spell
Tie another knot when the braiding reaches six inches from the end.
Take a feather and place it in the center of the braid. Knot the cord around
it and say an appropriate chant to add the properties of the
color to the ladder. For example,
when tying a red father you might say something like
With this feather, I give you Fire
And love and passion and desire
On the other hand, the chant for a green feather
might go something like
Prosperity, I know bestow
Bring money in and let it flow
You get the idea. The chants don't have to be
fancy to be effective. Whats important is that you
get the point across to the cosmos.
Continue in this manner until all nine feathers are
tied into evenly spaced knots. (If you're worried
that the feathers will fall out, add a dab of fast-drying
glue to each knot) When all the feathers are secure,
enchant the ladder further by saying something like
Mother, Crone, and Youngest Maid
Carry out the plans Ive laid
Add your blessings to this spell
So it serves (name of person) very well.
Yule A Celebration of Light and Warmth
Dorothy Morrison



This is a collection of spells and rituals from Valerie Worth’s “Crone’s Book of Magical Words. This, taken from the book in the Preface, states this piece of work beautifully: “There is a traditional basis for many of these spells; there is a psychological basis for all of them. The past is so close to the present in this realm that it is unnecessary to distinguish between them, but possibilities for dealing with experience by appropriate verbal inventions are no fewer now, when drawn out of the newly convoluted psyche, than when they sprang from the primitive brow.” I hope you enjoy them. –Morgan


To Dispel Sorrow


When world and fate

Conspire to mark

Your life with lines

And characters dark,

Mold a tablet

Of earth or clay,

Write on it all

You would cast away-

All you regret,

All that you bear,

All that afflicts you,

All that you fear-

Break it and bury it

In the ground,

Saying this charm

To heal the wound:


Sorrow be dust

And dust dissolve:

Let all my grief

Go into this grave.


A Sage Tea for the Mind


The gray-leaved sage

Stands fresh and fine

When even trees

Fall prey to time;

Pluck its growth,

Brew an infusion

Against all darkness and confusion;

Drink its strength,

With these words:


Sage make green

The winter rain:

Charm the demon

From my brain.


To Become Invisible


Fern seed

In your pocket

Will hide you

From some,

But to be free

Of everyone,

You must go away

Where water lies

Quiet, and look

To find your face –

Then scatter

The seeds across

Your image


It departs.


To Embrace Solitude


Go into your house

And fasten the windows,

Block the chimneys,

Lock the doors;

Stop up the keyholes,

Draw the curtains,

Say these words

To all betrayers:


I am my own today,

Nor any other shall steal me away.


Drink to your strength

A glass of wine,

Then sit three hours

In silence, alone,

Before you go forth again.


For Looking into Mirrors


Look to the left,

Look to the right,

Look in the glass

And say these lines:



Mirror silver

Show me

My true face.


Look at the eyes:

If their black centers

Be shrunk and small,

The mirror lies.


To Seek That Which Has Been Lost


The smallest mote

Of dust mislaid

May be recovered

By this aid:

Place in an eggshell

All of these –


The pollen basket of a bee,

The golden eye-ring of a frog,

The unripe seeds of violets,

The pollen of a columbine,

One mushroom from a fairy-ring,

A strand of spider gossamer,

A drop of milk-white milkweed sap,

A single thread of thistledown.


Shake them gently,

Spill them out

Onto a folded

Colored cloth;

Their pattern then

Will tell the spot

Where you may seek

The missing thing –

Yet even though

You find it not,

You will have gathered

Treasures as fine

As any lost.


For Good Fortune in Winter


When the evening fire

Lies down to tame,

Take twelve twigs

Of ash or rowan,

Tied in thread,

Yellow or red,

And cast them in,

Thinking in silence

Of what you wish, whether

Love or wealth

Or gentle weather;

Watch their flame,

Do not look away

Until it dies,

And you shall have your way.


To Pass Through a Locked Door


Where the lock

Is filled with rust

And all the keys

Have long been lost,

And time has warped

The heavy door

Against the place

It fit before,

And no one can

Remember now

What joys or sorrows

It could show,

Then you must tap

Its silent boards

Once, twice, and thrice,

And say these words:


Whatever lies

Beyond this door

Let me enter

Without fear,

Or else with lever,

Saw, and axe,

I’ll serve the wood

Until it breaks.


If its panels

Do not fall,

Its frame unfasten

From the wall,

And show the hidden

Scene to you,

You are not worthy

Of the view.


A Cider Potion for Strength


If cider is pressed

When the apples are warm,

Its russet taste

Must turn you strong;

Heat it with cloves,

With cinnamon long,

Drink it soon

And read this song:


Apple rust

And cinnamon rust

And cloves like rusty nails,

Turn my skull

To an iron wall,

My ribs to iron rails.