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 A Crone's Story

An Old Woman sat in a cemetery, sewing a black cloth. Her silver
needles were shaped like the slender silver crescent of the Moon.

She wore the traditional black robes of the Crone. Her long gray
braids hung
down about her shoulders as her wise hands adeptly worked their magic
the cloth.

The burial ground was well lit by moonlight and by the radiance of a
crown that rested upon a stone close by. Though she focused
brilliantly on
the task at hand, the Crone's sharp eyes took in everything around

A man walked by and the Crone looked up, stopping him in his
tracks. "Tell
me," she asked, "do you know what it is that I sew?"

The man replied, "Oh, yes, you are sewing a cape."

"No," the Old Hag said, and she released the man from her gaze,
allowing him
to go on his way.

The Old Woman eagerly returned to her work. On the next night, an
woman passed by and the Crone stopped her with a look. "Tell me," she
"Do you know what it is that I sew?"

The old woman bent down to look carefully at the cloth. "Oh, yes," she
said. "I know what you're up to. You're sewing a death veil."

"No," the Old Witch said, and let the woman go.

On the third night a mother with a child came by. The Crone
said, "Tell me,
do you know what it is that I sew?"

The child wrapped the cloth around her and held it up high above her
"You are sewing the midnight sky," she said.

The Old Crone said, "Yes, you are right." She was so pleased with the
child. "Every needle prick is a star. When the sky is full of stars,
know that I have made a blanket to protect you. See, you can see my
needlework in the sky."

The Crone gave the Mother her magic sewing needles shaped like the
crescent of the moon and said, "I am the night where all come to rest
make ready for a new day."

The Crone reached for the radiant golden crown and placed it upon the
child's precious head. "And you, child of a new day, are the morning

All three walked away together, having made complete the magic circle

~The Witch in Every Woman-Reawakening the Magical Nature of the
Feminine to
Heal, Protect, Create, and Empower by Laurie Cabot

I have been reading “Dancing the Goddess Incarnate – Living the Magic of Maiden, Mother  & Crone” by Dorothy Morrison and Kristin Madden in recent days. I’ve found the book to be a fairly good read, although I get a little annoyed at the upbeat optimism both authors portray in their writing. I mean, is anyone truly that happy all the time? Heh…at any rate, I found this particular chapter in the book to be my favorite, and thought I’d share it with you – mostly for those of you who don’t already have the book, as I realize it’s a fairly popular book. I suppose this chapter was my favorite, because I am a huge Rocky Horror Picture Show fan, but I really liked some of the lessons in it as well. I hope you enjoy it too! The following is from chapter nine.  –Morgan






What the hell?! I peered over the pile of props on the coffee table – rice, newspaper, cigarette lighters, and all the other stuff I needed for an interactive viewing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show – and leaned forward to get a better look at the TV screen. This character hadn’t been a part of the original cast; in fact, I was sure of it. Yet there She was, cloaked in gray, and smack dab in the middle of the “Time Warp” number. And now She’d stopped the whole production by screaming, “Cut!”


I didn’t think I’d hit the outtakes version of the DVD, but anything was possible, I thought, as I watched closely to see what would happen next.


“You’re not dancing!” She said, facing the camera directly.


Now that was a great makeup job! The woman looked just like the Cailleach.  She had only one eye, and I’d never seen anything so realistic. The cock of Her eyebrow even formed a natural series of ripples across Her forehead. Surely they’d done that with latex, I mused, as She blinked Her eye and continued to gaze into the camera.


“Stop staring and get up off your ass,” She spat. “Don’t make me yank you through this TV screen!” And then She called me by name.


“Holy shit,” I thought, as I fumbled for the remote and hit the off button hard with my thumb. I’m losing my friggin’ mind! Focus on something. Anything. “Just focus,” I thought, as I stared out the window and tried to concentrate on the falling snow in an effort to clear my head. But that only made it worse. All I could think about was the Cailleach, Her hold on the winter, and, of course, the way my name had rolled off Her tongue.


And then things got really scary.


An icy hand gripped my shoulder, whipped me around, and brought me face to face with the most terrible visage I’d ever seen. It was the Cailleach, Herself. I wanted to scream. I wanted to faint. Hell, I wanted to run as fast as my legs would carry me. But there was no time for any of that. For with the wink of the eye and a blood-curdling cackle, She literally shoved me into the center of the room.


“You can do this,” She said, Her voice uncharacteristically gentle as She took Her place beside me, pointed a finger toward the CD player to start the music, and began the demonstration. “It’s just a jump to the left, and then a step to the right. With your hands on your hips, you bring your knees in tight. But,” She sang, dancing in time to the music, “it’s the pelvic thrust that really drives you insane. Let’s do the Time Warp again!”


As shocked, appalled, and – let’s face it – scared out of my wits as I was, I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. Seeing the Cailleach grabbing Her hips and shimmying around the room with total abandon was the funniest thing I’d ever seen. Who’d have ever thought a goddess so scary would not only participate in such fun, but actually embrace it?


“For the love of the gods,” I said between chuckles, “I never dreamed…”


“What?!” She retorted. “You thought I was just some dried up old prune Who didn’t know how to have fun? Some awful old biddy Who got Her kicks by scaring the bejesus out of humankind? Not that the latter isn’t fun,” She admitted with a giggle, “but there’s more to life than that!”


“Has it ever occurred to you why I’m forced to turn to stone at Beltane?”


“Well, I just thought…”


“What you thought doesn’t matter, Child,” She said, cutting me off with a wave of Her hand. “It’s because I know how to have more fun than all the rest of Them put together. And if I hung around, Beltane would surely be the bawdiest celebration ever! In fact, I once…well…no need to go into that – at least not right now,” She said with a wicked grin.


“Okay, now you try it.” A wave of Her hand started the music again. “Oh what the hell,” She exclaimed with a chuckle. “This is so much fun, let’s do it together! Remember now,” She said, grabbing me by the hand, “it’s just a jump to the left…”


While most dances only require a few steps to be repeated over and over, that’s just not the case with the Time Warp. That’s because this dance is comprised of both steps and arm movements. What’s more, timing is a critical part of dancing it correctly; so much so, in fact, that specific arm movements and dance steps have to be executed with particular lyrics. In short, it’s a multitasking operation: one that requires thought as well as rhythm.


But what better dance for the Cailleach?! She is, after all, the most multitasking goddess in the world!


But multitasking aside, the Time Warp not only allows the Cailleach to display Her sexuality, but to do so blatantly. Though usually depicted as a one-eyed, fanged or tusked, blue or gray-skinned hag Who’s older than dirt and too ugly to look at, She also has the ability to move back in time and transform Herself into the most gorgeous, indescribably sexy goddess you’ve ever seen. This part of the Time Warp She dances at will – but only for those who are kind to Her for Who She is, instead of shunning Her for how She normally looks. And when She finds them worthy of those particular steps of Her dance, the party is on. In fact, it’s a safe bet that there’s no hardier party in the Universe!


Since neither the Time Warp nor the Cailleach require a partner, they teach us some very important lessons – the first of which is to rely on ourselves and our abilities, regardless of the possibility of error. Sometimes I even wonder if She wasn’t the very first to say “Do something, Darlin’ – anything – even if it’s wrong!” that’s because the Cailleach, having had Her own share of things gone awry, knows that the only folks who don’t make mistakes are those who aren’t doing anything, and that which may look like a mistake at the onset could very well be a blessing in the long run. But even if it’s not, it’s the only way we learn.


Secondly, She reminds us that everything we need, everything we could possibly want, and everything we could – even in our wildest imaginations – dream, is already housed within. All we have to do is reach in, dust it off, and reclaim it. And while that may take some doing (especially if we’ve neglected our personal power for awhile), we truly do have every tool at our disposal necessary to change our circumstances and reinvent our lives.


And then there’s the matter of remembering how to shift gears between the worlds, find our balance points again, and decide upon the direction we want to go. In some cases, this involves some sort of healing before we can move forward. In others, it’s a matter of trancing into the spiritual and stripping things away to the bare bones. But regardless of what it takes, two things are for sure: dancing the Time Warp is all a part of the Eldering process, and we’ll have the Cailleach right by our sides to guide us every step of the way.


Even so, the Cailleach brings a more valuable lesson to the forefront. Simply put, it’s this: Stop giving your all to those who have no intention of returning the favor. Looking at things from that angle, we need to understand that we are important too – just as important, if not more so, than most of those around us – and that learning to say “No!” isn’t necessarily a bad thing. More to the point, though, it’s time to shift our gaze toward our personal needs and wants, and take the time to fulfill our dreams. In short, it’s time to start living again. And with the Cailleach as our partner, there’s just no way we can fail!


                                    JUST A JUMP TO THE LEFT


Taking the inner journey – that journey into the deepest part of ourselves – isn’t something we do very often. The reasons are many, but the one that surfaces most often is lack of time. And few other reasons could hit the nail on the head as hard as this one. That’s because journeys of this kind not only take time, but time of the uninterrupted sort. And that’s just not the sort we’re likely to have. At least not at a moment’s notice. In fact, we’re going to have to take a jump to the left – something we don’t normally do – to find it.


Before you grab your calendar to look for the time, though, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. For one, nobody – not your spouse, your children, your boss, nor your very best friend – is more important than you. How can that be? Because this is your life. You’re the only one who can live it. You’re the only one who can take control of it. And as such, you’re the only one who can navigate and maneuver your life where you want it to go. This means that not finding the time for something as important as the inner journey simply isn’t an option. If, that is, you want to keep living.


Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, you’re also going to have to make preparations for the journey at hand. And this means selecting a time when interruptions aren’t an option, either. So, look ahead and see what needs to be done to assure that you have time alone, even if it means making arrangements for your spouse and/or children to spend part of the day with friends, and putting a “Do Not Disturb” sign on your door.




Look at the calendar. Pick a date. And mark it in indelible ink. Remember, this is your day, and in many ways, it marks the first day of the rest of your life.


                                  DANCING WITH THE CAILLEACH


When the date in question arrives, it’s time to take a step to the right – the right way of doing things, that is – and give yourself totally over to the Cailleach while you learn Her steps. Her first order of business? Turn off the TV, the stereo, and the phone. (At the very least, turn off the ringer and mute the volume on your answering machine.) close the windows and the doors, and disable anything else that makes noise or might prove to be distracting.


Now, grab a pen and some paper, and retreat to the most comfortable spot in your home. Ground and center, and travel deeply within yourself, all the way to your very core. Once there, think about what’s really important to you. It’s important to note that during this exercise, the priorities of others are simply not valid, so only delve into the things that matter to you, then list them in descending order.


Once that’s done, take a look at what you need in your life, and those needs that aren’t being met. Then list all the things your life is lacking. Brutal honesty is of the utmost importance when dealing with the Cailleach, so just scratch the idea that anything you might list could be even remotely selfish. If you want it, you need it. It’s as simple as that, so just write it all down.


When you’re finished, study each item carefully. Think about what it would take to manifest that item into your life. Break it down into each step you’d have to take, and what each would involve. Then consider what you’d have to do to get from Point A to Point B, Point B to Point C, and so forth. Write all of that down, too.


Presto! You’ve just created a treasure map – a map that, when followed, will change your personal reality. All you have to do now is follow it. And, of course, create one for each of the items on your list.


While you may have your own ideas about how to follow these maps, I’ve found that making a separate chart for each one helps me to stay on track. If this interests you, just grab a sheet of paper for each item and list its related steps in order. Place the sheets where you’ll see them ever day, then check off the steps as you complete them. It’s an easy way to chart your progress. And once you can actually see how much you’re accomplishing, you can’t help but take the next step and the next. Handling things in that way not only brings your goals within reach, but makes everything seem possible. And all it takes is a step to the right!


                                 PUT YOUR HANDS ON YOUR HIPS


The next part of this dance is, perhaps, the most difficult, for it involves healing ourselves. And to do that, we have to go deep within and confront what’s there. If this were a matter of just taking a quick look and leaving, it might not be so bad. But this involves more than that. Much more. It involves searching out old wounds and personal scars. It involves putting them under a magnifying glass, checking for proper healing, and reopening those that have only festered over.


Admittedly, this isn’t fun at all. No one wants to study the things that hurt him or her most in life. No one wants to bring these things back to the surface. And no one – not even the bravest of the brave – wants to bring about the possibility of reliving them.


Unfortunately, though, it’s something we have to do if we’re going to dance completely with this goddess. And that’s why it’s time to put our hands on our hips. This part of the dance takes gumption, and no one’s got more of it than the Cailleach!


So, with that in mind, place those hands firmly on your hips. Point your elbows outward, toss your head back, and give the Universe the most attitude you can muster. Then follow the exercises outlined below. Know that healing is on the way, and that with enough attitude, nothing you encounter can ever hurt you again.


                                  STEPPING THROUGH SHADOWS


(Note: This exercise may take a bit of planning since it involves a walk outdoors, so pick a nice day, and allow yourself at least an hour.)


As you walk, label each step as something you wish to remove from your life. Anger, fear, hurt, and jealousy are good possibilities. So are issues that involve poor self-esteem or lack of self-confidence. It could be anything at all – even a situation where you acted poorly, or didn’t stand up for yourself when you should have.


Plant each foot firmly on the ground – it’s okay to stomp if it makes you feel good – so that each issue leaves its imprint, while saying something like:


                                Into the Earth I release your flow

                                Now you can’t cause me further woe


As you lift your foot to move forward, know that the problem is not only left behind, but will be neutralized as the earth absorbs its energy.


When you’ve walked everything away, turn around and take a deep breath. Feel the relief. Feel the lightheartedness. Feel the utter joy of freedom. Then laugh – not just a chuckle, but right out loud, to relieve you of any leftover remnants.


Chart your course back home along a slightly different route. Plant your feet firmly as before, but this time, see blessings coming to you with every step. As you walk, chant something like:


                                With each step now, blessings flow

                                Into my life where they shall grow

                                To blossom, to seed, and to sprout they’ll go

                                As I will, it shall be so


Accept the blessings as they come into your life, and thank the earth for Her graciousness.


                                          HEALING MEDITATION

(Note: Use this meditation for deep-seated hurts that seem to linger. It’s very cathartic and delivers amazing results.)


The day is bright. It’s sunny and warm. A gentle breeze floats through your hair and twirls among the folds of your robe as you and the Cailleach stand on a hill looking down at the lush fields below. Her face crinkles into a smile and She looks at you expectantly. You return the smile, nod your head, and take Her hand. Together, you slowly float down the hill and into the verdant lands below.


The spot She has picked is a garden. It’s your garden. All of your favorite plants are there. Your favorite flowers. Your favorite vegetables. The ground beneath your feet is moist and rich, and the smell of fertility abounds. All within grows well. Better than well. It is, by far, the most luscious garden you’ve ever seen.


Except for one thing. The weeds have grown lush too. So lush that they threaten the lives of the other plants in the garden. And now they must be eliminated. Extricated. Totally eradicated, once and for all.


Still holding you by the hand, the Cailleach leads you to the first patch of weeds. Each has a label. Each is called by the name of some hurtful thing you’ve experienced. And each is intermingled with all the wondrous plants you’ve so lovingly cultivated there.


Staring at Her feet, you examine the first weed carefully, seeing its threat as a simple fact rather than an entryway into emotional turmoil. You square your shoulders and take a deep breath, hell-bent on ridding this creature of its very life. Then, grasping it firmly at the base, you rock it back and forth and snatch it from the ground, roots and all. You toss it aside and go on to the next. And the next. And the next. Until every single weed that thrived there is no more.


Gathering the weeds into a pile, you set them on fire. Burning out their offenses. Burning out their harm. Burning out any damage they once imparted, and burning out any control they had over you. The seeds by which they might once again take root are reduced to ash as well. There is nothing left to harm you. Nothing at all. It has been released into the fire. Into the air. And as you feel the first drops of rain, all becomes part of the earth again. Grounded. Healed. Cleansed and refreshed. And so it is with you as well. For you are the garden. And the garden is you.


You take one last look at the fruits of your labor before turning to go. And what you find is amazing. Flowers are already sprouting in the bare spots left by the weeds. They are yet unlabeled. For they are new and untouched. They are experiences just waiting for your embrace.



                                            THE PELVIC THRUST

“So…how’s your sex life?” the question came out of nowhere and was delivered with one of those sly, sidelong grins that no one but the Cailleach could deliver.


“E—excuse me?!” I stammered, spewing coffee across the table.

“Your sex life, Darlin’. How is it?” She asked with a lascivious wink. “Wild and hot? Or dull and dry?”

“I don’t believe that’s any of your busi---“

“Oh, don’t be such a prude,” She retorted, with a roll of Her eyes. “Of course it’s my business! Do you want to just dry up like an old prune and wither away? Or do you want to have some fun with your life?”

“Well, I ---“

She cut me off with a wave of Her hand. “When’s the last time you had wild, passionate, melt-your-knees-into-a-puddle sex? You know…the kind that starts in the kitchen, proceeds through the living room, and winds up on the bathroom floor?”

Too shocked to speak, I just looked at Her, dumfounded.

“Oh, for the love of Lugh!” She snorted with exasperation. “Just because I’m older than dirt doesn’t mean that I don’t have sex! Quite the contrary, Darlin’; I have it all the time. Base sexuality is a large part of who we are right at the very core. And this dance is pointless unless you unlock those precious inhibitions of yours and let go. Pure, unadulterated pleasure. That’s what I’m talking about. Besides, I have it on good authority that really good sex – the kind that drives you to near insanity – is great for the complexion!”


Fact is, this part of the dance has nothing to do with procreation or romance. It’s about excitement. Pleasure. And all the stuff that rocks your world. It’s about the sort of sex that sets your every nerve ending on fire and scalds you right to the bone. And, of course, allowing yourself the freedom to experience it.


This means that your every fantasy – as long as it doesn’t harm someone – is fair game. If the idea of bondage turns you on, so be it. Sex in an elevator? Not a problem. How about initiation into the mile high club? That’s fine too. Just accept whatever it is that trips your trigger – and accept it without guilt or shame or worry over what your neighbors would think. Then give yourself the freedom to experience your desires by following the tips below.

·         Getting in touch: Giving yourself up to the sort of wild, hot, frenzied sex that propels you into another dimension may require getting reacquainted with your body. So lie back, relax, and explore it. Experiment with touching, pinching, rubbing, and squeezing. Allow yourself to become immersed in pleasure.

·         Fantasize: Let your mind wander into your deepest desires. Think about what it would be like to experience them. Live them in your mind. No touching allowed with this one, though. The idea here is to see what will bring you right to the edge without outside stimulation.

·         Acting out: Once you’ve choreographed your fantasies, act them out with a trusted partner. Trust can’t be stressed enough here, since you can’t freely enjoy the experience if you’re worried that things might get out of control. And just to be on the safe side, be sure that you agree on “trigger words” (words that stop the action immediately) before the games begin. That way, you’re in complete control of the situation regardless of how things play out.


Just one more thing: protected sex is of the utmost importance here. While a good dose of penicillin used to cure nearly every sexually transmitted disease known to humankind, such is no longer true. Today, in fact, having unprotected sex is not just risky business; it can be the same as signing your own death warrant. So with that in mind, be sure to have plenty of condoms – or whatever else is necessary – on hand to ensure the safety of you and your partner.


                                LET’S DO THE TIME WARP AGAIN


While the Time Warp is definitely a fun dance, it’s all about crossing boundaries. And in this case, the boundaries we’re crossing exist between the mundane world and the spiritual realm. This means learning to dance between the worlds effortlessly, while maintaining an even balance in both. Not to worry, though. It’s all about multitasking; and since we’re used to juggling at least 110 things at once, that’s a term that most of us understand very well.


Still, many practitioners have trouble communicating in the spiritual realm once they get there. Why? Because it simply isn’t built like the mundane. There’s no tangible thought, no real words, and no literal advice. Instead, it’s a place filled with abstracts, symbolism, and unimaginable possibility. It’s not only a world unto itself, but a world of each practitioner’s making. And because of this, divination is the tool most often used by practitioners to decipher any communications.


So, what sort of divination is best for this? Is there any one form that clears things up more quickly than another?


Well, the Cailleach says it truly depends on you, your likes and dislikes. And since She more or less invented the cowl or veil that some folks believe denotes psychically gifted babies, She would know! So, just take Her advice and know that whatever method you’re most comfortable with – or whichever one interests you most – will get you there quickly, easily, and safely.


If you’ve never worked with divination, though, it might be hard to decide which type best suits your needs. And for that reason, brief descriptions of the most popular tools are given below.


·         Scrying: While this method usually employs something with a glossy surface – a black mirror, a crystal ball, or even a single clear quartz crystal – it can also be managed by filling a bowl with a mixture of water and ink, and placing it in front of a burning candle. The focal point is, of course, the glossy surface, and consistent focus tends to put the practitioner into a trancelike state. Once that state is achieved, images float across the surface, and it’s those images that communicate to the practitioner the messages being relayed.


·         Pendulum: Good for questions that only require a yes or no answer, this method relies upon the direction in which the pendulum swings. (Every pendulum reacts differently, so you’ll have to ask it at the onset to show you yes or show you no.) However, there are now pendulum boards available that slightly resemble a miniature Ouija board. And since these sport a complete alphabet, the pendulum can be used to spell out answers to more complicated questions.


·         Tarot: Provided that all the cards in the deck contain complete pictorial scenes – as opposed to those that, for example, only depict an image of seven swords on the Seven of Swords card – this method works by telling the reader a story. It relies on the way the cards fall together and how the characters within each seem to be interacting with the others. (Think comic strip without the benefit of words here.) It’s a good method for determining the likely outcome of the current path, and provides one with an opportunity to change the path should the outcome appear unfavorable.


·         Runes: This method employs a set of stones upon which symbols (generally, Futhark rune symbols) have been inscribed. A certain number of stones are selected sight unseen and then turned face up to reveal the symbolism. Rather than telling a story as with the Tarot, though, this method offers advice that comes by way of which runes are selected and how their meaning interact with each other. It’s important to note that this advice is often somewhat obscure, and it’s left to the practitioner to decide precisely how it applies to the situation at hand.


                                        PRE-DIVINATION RITUAL

Once you’ve chosen a divinatory tool, it’s time to put it to work.  But what if you can’t see anything useful? And even if you can, is there any certainty that you’ll not only be able to understand what you see, but apply it with any sort of accuracy?


Absolutely. Just start each session by burning a tablespoon of mugwort on a charcoal block. Ground and center, then place your hands over your tool of choice and call on the Cailleach by saying something like:


Cailleach of cowl and veil

And all the psychic realm entails

I ask to see all that You do:

Every vision; and break through

The fluff and nonsense that can hide

The meat of what there is inside

And help me understand it all-

Each image that may come to call-

So when I’m done I know full well

The message; and won’t have to dwell

On whether I am wrong or right;

Grant to me Your gift of sight

O Cailleach, now hear my plea

And quickly bring Your aid to me.


Wait a few moments until you feel Her presence, then proceed with whatever questions you want to ask. The questions themselves, and the way in which they’re stated, are perhaps the most important part of accurate divination. Why? Because while we always get answers from those in the spiritual realm, they’re not always the answers we’re seeking. And that’s because we either aren’t asking the right questions, or we’re not specific enough with the wording.


A prime example of this is the question “Will I become wealthy in the next six months?” While this wording may sound fairly specific to most people, it may not be so in the spiritual realm. Since the word “wealthy” doesn’t just apply to cash (it can also apply to an abundance of love, joy, good friends, and other things too numerous to mention here), this leaves far too much to chance. So, despite the fact that you may get an affirmative reply, you may also find yourself living hand to mouth six months down the road.


That being the case, spend a little time formulating your questions to represent exactly what you want to know. Once the right questions are in place, your tool of choice will do the rest. It’s as simple as that.


                                            IT’S SHOW TIME!

While some practitioners have difficulty traveling the spiritual realm, even more have trouble dealing with things right here in the mundane world. How can that be? We do, after all, live here.


The answer is surprisingly simple: it’s much more fun to travel a world of abstracts – a world where we make up most of our own rules, where love is the answer, and where those nasty little details like bills, housecleaning, and laundry can’t touch us. And because of that, many folks have trouble truly living in the real world.


Still, we do live here. And to do that successfully, we have to secure our roots and stand our ground firmly. But there’s more to it than that. Living successfully in the real world also means that we must see ourselves for what we truly are: a uniquely individual but integral part of the living, breathing structure we call earth. That’s quite a mouthful, isn’t it? But unless we see ourselves as such, there’s no way we can really understand just how important we are on this plane or how much our attention is needed here.



                                      PERFECTING THE DANCE

To put you back in step with the earth, the Cailleach suggests a little question and answer session. Not to worry, though. It’s not a test; instead, it’s more of a rehearsal. Just answer Her questions as honestly as possible, then follow Her lead.  And, above all, trust in Her advice. Having been one of the foremost landscape artists on this planet, this goddess knows the earth like no other!


1.       Do you see the earth as a living, breathing source of information? Or do you see it as a different sort of entity?

2.       How do you see your presence on the earth in terms of what you’re here to learn? In terms of what you’re here to teach?

3.       How important are you to the existence of the other creatures on this planet? Give this some thought in relationship to animals, stones, plant life, the general environment, and other people.

4.       What is it that you do best? And how can you put that talent to use on the earthly plane?

5.       If you could take one bit of wisdom with you from this life on earth and hold onto it through multiple future lives, what would it be?



Now that you have a better idea of where you stand on the earth and what you’re looking for, the Cailleach can get on with polishing the choreography. And while it’s no easy task, the good news is that it won’t take long. The bad news? Well, there really isn’t any. It’s just a matter of spending a few minutes every day with this exercise for a week or so. And there’s nothing bad about that at all!





As the heading above suggests, this exercise entails getting into step with some of the earth’s most ancient residents. And in order to do that, you’ll need to choose a tree, plant, or stone as your partner. While I like to work outdoors with this one, it may not be an option for you. So if that’s the case, not to worry. Just work inside with a stone or houseplant.



Begin by caressing the creature with your hands. Memorize its angles, its curves, and its surface. Think about its life and what other creatures might have played roles in bringing it this far. Give some thought to the things it has endured, the things it has witnessed, and the things its journey still holds for it. Then think about what the creature, by its very existence, has given to you, and praise it for its gift.



Now, close your eyes and become one with the creature. If you’re working with a plant or a tree, see yourself sprouting up from one of the roots. See your own root ball forming as it branches from the base, and feel it running through the fertile soil. See your stem or trunk becoming strong and sturdy, and your leaves becoming green and glossy. See yourself as a piece of the whole, yet an individual entity unto yourself.



If you’re working with a stone, begin by seeing yourself as a tiny pebble on one side, growing larger and larger until you are nearly as big as the original. Feel your density, your strength, and your weight. See your surface turning glossy and shining iridescently in the sunshine. See yourself as a piece of the whole, yet an individual entity unto yourself.



Think about the connections that you and your partner have to each other and to the earth. Think about the earth’s fertile soil from which you sprang, the same soil that people have worked and treasured and walked since the beginning of time. The same soil that holds all the thoughts, all the wisdom, and all the ideas of every single person in its presence since the conception of humankind. And how it holds the collective consciousness of the whole of humanity.



Now, open yourself up to that collective consciousness. Ask what you will, and take what it offers. Glean its truth and strength, its wisdom and understanding. Let it become a part of the person you are now, and allow it to assist in shaping the one whom you may yet become.



Once you’ve gathered all you can from the collective consciousness, thank the earth and your partner for their assistance. Then slowly – very slowly – shrink back into your human form. (It’s imperative that you handle the transformation process slowly, especially if you’ve chosen a stone as your partner.) Roll your neck, flex your hands and feet, gently move your arms and legs, and take several deep breaths before leaving the area.



Before you walk off the stage, one last thought from the Cailleach: remember that things are not always as they appear. The Cailleach Herself is a very good example of this. Who knew, after all, that She could be so humorous, so entertaining, or so much fun?! I had no idea – until I began to dance with Her. And I’m willing to bet that you didn’t, either.



These sorts of surprises are very common, especially when dancing between the worlds. Sometimes that which appears to be light is really only a paler shade of shadow. And other times you’ll find the light in utter darkness, hiding just beneath the surface. But not to worry. Just keep dancing, and before you know it, clearly differentiating between the two will become second nature!



So grab those newspapers, that rice, and those cigarette lighters, and let’s do the Time Warp again!
